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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

Tropical Dental Journal


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About the journal

Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journalTropical Dental Journal is published regularly since 1976. This bilingual, quarterly journal mission is to allow the Exchange and dialogue between practitioners from all countries. Its French title is « Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale ».

Tropical Dental Journal (ISSN 0251-172X) is indexed by Medline (NLM ID: 8103679) since 1980.

Its authors are in tropical and developing countries.
They publish the result of their studies, their experiences and show an « other » facet of dentistry, theirs.

Is there a «tropical» Odonto-stomatology?

In Africa and in developing countries, practices are necessarily different from those in developed countries:

For many reasons, the significant progresses of Odonto-stomatology cannot yet benefit developing countries. This gives more value to the task of practitioners in these areas and to the work published in « Tropical Dental Journal ».

Tropical Dental Journal gives you access to dental publications from developing countries

The fame of the journal, its bilingualism, the quality of its articles, its "tropical" peculiarity, now attract academics far beyond the African continent. Today, Tropical Dental Journal publishes articles from sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, South Africa, the Middle East, India...

Their studies deserve to be known also in developed countries. The lessons to be learnt can be useful to any researcher, whatever his specialty and the location of his work.

Where can I find the articles published by Tropical Dental Journal?

Purchases and subscriptions can be made with online payment or not.

We are open to all types of partnerships and initiatives that allow for better diffusion of African medical publications.
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APIDPM publishes too:

Médecine d'Afrique Noire - Première revue médicale internationale panafricaine francophoneMédecine d'Afrique noire, 1st French-speaking Pan-African International Medical Journal

Founded in 1953 by Professors Maurice PAYET and Pierre PENE, first deans of the faculties of Medicine of Dakar and Abidjan, Médecine d'Afrique Noire is the most important medical Journal of francophone sub-Saharan Africa.
Even today, after 65 years of uninterrupted publication, Médecine d'Afrique Noire remains one of the only titles dealing exclusively with tropical health.

More information

Médecine du Maghreb - Revue médicale internationale maghrébineMédecine du Maghreb - Maghreb International Medical Journal

This journal created in 1986 has become the communication vector for researchers and scientists in the Maghreb. Since its creation, the contents of all its issues have been provided by Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian authors.
Médecine du Maghreb allows them to be published in a journal of international dimension

More information

Contact us:

APIDPM Santé tropicale
Espace Santé 3 - 521, avenue de Rome
83500 La Seyne sur mer - France
Téléphone : +33 4 94 10 99 99 - +33 4 94 63 24 99
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Tropical Dental Journal



  • Espace Santé 3
    521, avenue de Rome
    83500 La Seyne sur mer - France


  • +33 4 94 63 24 99

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