

OST Archives

Publié en Anglais dans OST Volume 27 - Décembre 2004 pages 19-22

Dental caries status of primary school children aged 4-16 years in Southwest Nigerianote

Auteurs : O.O. SOFOLA, S.O. JEBODA, O.P. SHABA - Nigéria


Objective : To assess the dental caries status of primary schoolchildren aged 4-16 in both urban and rural areas of Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria.
Design : Cross sectional and descriptive.
Method : Sample comprised of primary school children (n =1,829) selected from five urban non-fee paying schools and three fee-paying schools as well as five rural fee-paying schools. Caries was diagnosed based on the WHO caries diagnostic criteria (1997).
Results : Caries prevalence was 14.4% in the urban area and 5.7% in the rural area (p<0.01). Children from the fee-paying schools had a caries prevalence of 21% while those from the non-fee paying schools had a caries prevalence of 8.1% (p < 0.01). There was no significant difference in dft score among 4-6 year-olds, which was 0.33 and 0.32 in both the urban and the rural areas respectively but there was a significant difference in dft and DMFT score in the older age groups. Most of the caries were unrestored, only 3 (0.16%) had filled teeth. 9.1% required restorative treatment, 2.4% had teeth for extraction
Conclusion : The prevalence of caries is low in the Nigerian population studied. Treatment rate is very low.


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Odonto-Stomatologie tropicale - Trimestriel - ISSN 0251-172X - Medline (NLM ID: 8103679)

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