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European Federation of Periodontology

The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), founded in 1991, is an umbrella organisation of 30 national scientific societies devoted to promoting research, education and awareness of periodontal science and practice.

It represents more than 14,000 periodontists and gum-health professionals from Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East.

The EFP, whose strategic vision is expressed by the slogan “Periodontal health for a better life“, leads the global conversation on periodontal health.

It is the driving force behind EuroPerio, the world’s biggest scientific meeting devoted to periodontology. The most recent of these triennial meetings, EuroPerio9, took place in Amsterdam in June 2018 and brought together more that 10,000 people.

The European Workshop in Periodontology is a world-leading scientific meeting on periodontal science and the EFP’s Journal of Clinical Periodontology is the most authoritative scientific publication in this field with a 4.01 impact factor.

The federation’s work in education has also been highly significant, notably through its accredited programme for postgraduate education.

The EFP pursues evidence-based science and the general interest. It does not have any professional or commercial agenda.

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Odonto-Stomatologie tropicale - Trimestriel - ISSN 0251-172X - Medline (NLM ID: 8103679)

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