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Dr. Galil's Anatomy and Oral Histology

This site contains a comprehensive set of interactive quizzes consisting of multiple choice questions, slides, and diagrams to assist you in your Anatomy and Oral Histology studies. The instructions are simple: Click on or enter the best answer, and the web page will determine whether your solution is correct. If you have any comments about this web page, please email me, and if you have any course related questions, please ask them in the lecture or laboratory so that the entire class can benefit from the answers. In the mean time, enjoy this site...and try to find the two "unoffical" questions at the end of the quizzes.

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University of Western Ontario
1151 Richmond Street, Suite 2, London, Ontario,
Canada, N6A 5B8
Tél. : 519-661-2111

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Odonto-Stomatologie tropicale - Trimestriel - ISSN 0251-172X - Medline (NLM ID: 8103679)

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