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Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale

Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale N° 108 - Décembre 2004

Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale

N° 108 - Décembre 2004

Editeur : APIDPM Santé tropicale
Langue(s) de publication : Français - Anglais
Edition papier : ISSN 0251-172X
Edition électronique : ISSN 2491-4428
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Sommaire du N° 108 - Décembre 2004

Analyse de la denture mixte chez un groupe marocain
F. DIAGNE, K. DIOP-BA, P.I. NGOM, O. EL BOURY - Sénégal - 5-10


Analyse de la denture mixte chez un groupe marocain Analyse de la denture mixte chez un groupe marocain est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : F. DIAGNE, K. DIOP-BA, P.I. NGOM, O. EL BOURY - Sénégal
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 108 - Décembre 2004 - 5-10


Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de fournir des mensurations dentaires d’une population marocaine, de tester les méthodes de Tanaka et Johnston et de Moyers, de calculer les équations de régression et d’élaborer une table de prédiction pour les enfants marocains. 50 modèles d’étude d’étudiants marocains (25 garçons, 25 filles, moyenne d’âge 22.6 ±1.35) ont été utilisés pour mesurer le plus grand diamètre mésio-distal de toutes les canines et prémolaires mandibulaires et maxillaires et les incisives mandibulaires avec un pieds à coulisse orthodontique. Un dimorphisme sexuel a été observé dans la taille des dents (p = 0.001). L’étude a montré des relations étroites entre la somme des diamètres mésiodistaux des incisives mandibulaires et celle des canines et prémolaires maxillaires et mandibulaires. Les coefficients de corrélation (r) et les coefficients de détermination (R2) étaient meilleurs quand les deux sexes étaient groupés, au maxillaire (r = 0.60 ; R2 = 0.36) et à la mandibule (r = 0.61 ; r2 = 0.37). Les équations de régression élaborées pour les hommes et pour les femmes ont été utilisées comme base pour établir une table de prédiction orthodontique pour les enfants marocains.

Mixed dentition analysis in a Moroccan population

The aims of this study were to produce odontometric data for a Moroccan population, to test Tanaka and Johnston and Moyers methods, to derive regression equations and elaborate a specific orthodontic prediction table for Moroccan children. 50 dental casts of Moroccan students (25 males, 25 females, mean age 22.6 years sd 1.35) were used to perform measurements of the greatest mesiodistal widths of all mandibular and maxillary canines and premolars and mandibular incisors with an orthodontic calliper. Significant sexual dimorphism was found in tooth sizes (p =.001). The study revealed close relationships between the total mesiodistal widths of the mandibular permanent incisors and that of the maxillary and mandibular canines and premolars. The correlation coefficients (r) and the coefficient of determination (R2) were better sexes combined for the maxilla (r = 0.60 ; R2 = 0.36 ) and for the mandible (r = 0.61 ; R2= 0.37). The regression equations elaborated for males and females were used as a basis for establishing an orthodontic prediction table for Moroccan children.

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Maxillary tuberosities size and shape in African Blacks total edentulous
J.N. KOFFI, S.G. KOFFI, D.K. ASSI - Côte d'Ivoire - 11-14


Maxillary tuberosities size and shape in African Blacks total edentulous Maxillary tuberosities size and shape in African Blacks total edentulous est évalué 3 étoiles

Auteurs : J.N. KOFFI, S.G. KOFFI, D.K. ASSI - Côte d'Ivoire
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 108 - Décembre 2004 - 11-14


Maxillary tuberosities size and shape in African Blacks total edentulous

The manufacturing of impression standardized trays adapted to Blacks total edentulous patients is necessary. This study in complement to previous ones quantified maillary tuberosity size and shape in a sample of Ivory Coast population a very melting pot example in Africa.
Hundred maxillary complete edentulous casts issuing from impressions with Schreinemakers trays adjusted or not with thermoplastic materials. The two tuberosities for each cast were marked and measured. The mesiodistal, vestibulopalatal diameters and the vestibule heights measurements were computer-generated. Tubercles were not significantly different in the two sectors for the same cast. They were elliptical-shaped with the mesiodistal length superior to the vestibulopalatal width and they are higher than large. There was no statistical correlation between the data. These findings are independent from patients age and sex. Therefore it had been proposed three standardized impression trays prototypes adapted to African Blacks posterior palatal sector according to tuberosity size and shape. This specificity is relevant in prosthodontics since individualization of treatment leads to more effective treatment by working within the patient’s arch from instead of making patients fit a single standard.

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Prévalence des lésions dentaires non-carieuses dans le département de Dakar
A.W. KANE, B. FAYE, B. TOURE, M. SARR, CH. MB LO, D.A. BA - Sénégal - 15-18


Prévalence des lésions dentaires non-carieuses dans le département de Dakar Prévalence des lésions dentaires non-carieuses dans le département de Dakar est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : A.W. KANE, B. FAYE, B. TOURE, M. SARR, CH. MB LO, D.A. BA - Sénégal
Publié en Français dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 108 - Décembre 2004 - 15-18


Les lésions dentaires non carieuses sont des destructions des surfaces externes des dents d’origine non bactérienne contrairement aux caries dentaires. On en distingue cinq types : l’attrition, l’abrasion, l’abfraction, l’érosion et la démasticatication. Elles peuvent être pathologiques ou physiologiques. Les données les concernant sont peu nombreuses dans la littérature. Leur étude présente un intérêt réel en odontologie conservatrice à cause des problèmes à la fois esthétique et fonctionnel qu’elles posent. L’enquête épidémiologique que nous avons menée a pour but de fournir des données sur la prévalence de ces lésions dans le département de Dakar. Nos résultats ont révélé les taux de prévalence suivant : 60 % attrition, 25,55 % abrasion, 7,22 % abfraction, 5,55 % démasticatication et 1,68 %. La prise en charge préventive des lésions pathologiques (abrasion, abfraction et érosion) qui représentent 34,45 % des cas mérite d’être inscrit dans le programme de la lutte contre les maladies buccodentaires.

Prevalence of non carious dental lesions in the Department of Dakar

Non carious dental lesions are destructions of dental external surfaces originating from non bacterial cause in opposition to dental caries. We distinguish 5 types of non carious dental lesions : attrition, abrasion, abfraction, erosion and demastication. These lesions may be pathological or physiological. Data dealing with them are not very numerous in the literature. Their study shows a real interest in conservative dentistry because of problems both aesthetic and functional they set We carried out an epidemiological trial in the department of Dakar with as aim providing data on the prevalence of these lesions.
Our results have disclosed the following rates of prevalence : 60 % of attrition, 25,55 % of abrasion, 7,22 % of abfraction, 5,55 % of demastication and 1,68 % of erosion. The results indicate once more the importance of the need for clinical evaluation of those dental lesions.

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Dental caries status of primary school children aged 4-16 years in Southwest Nigeria
O.O. SOFOLA, S.O. JEBODA, O.P. SHABA - Nigéria - 19-22


Dental caries status of primary school children aged 4-16 years in Southwest Nigeria Dental caries status of primary school children aged 4-16 years in Southwest Nigeria est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : O.O. SOFOLA, S.O. JEBODA, O.P. SHABA - Nigéria
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 108 - Décembre 2004 - 19-22


Dental caries status of primary school children aged 4-16 years in Southwest Nigeria

Objective : To assess the dental caries status of primary schoolchildren aged 4-16 in both urban and rural areas of Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria.
Design : Cross sectional and descriptive.
Method : Sample comprised of primary school children (n =1,829) selected from five urban non-fee paying schools and three fee-paying schools as well as five rural fee-paying schools. Caries was diagnosed based on the WHO caries diagnostic criteria (1997).
Results : Caries prevalence was 14.4% in the urban area and 5.7% in the rural area (p<0.01). Children from the fee-paying schools had a caries prevalence of 21% while those from the non-fee paying schools had a caries prevalence of 8.1% (p < 0.01). There was no significant difference in dft score among 4-6 year-olds, which was 0.33 and 0.32 in both the urban and the rural areas respectively but there was a significant difference in dft and DMFT score in the older age groups. Most of the caries were unrestored, only 3 (0.16%) had filled teeth. 9.1% required restorative treatment, 2.4% had teeth for extraction
Conclusion : The prevalence of caries is low in the Nigerian population studied. Treatment rate is very low.

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Endodontic flare-ups : comparison of incidence between single and multiple visits procedures in patients attending a Nigerian teaching hospital
A.O. OGINNI, C.I. UDOYE - Nigéria - 23-27


Endodontic flare-ups : comparison of incidence between single and multiple visits procedures in patients attending a Nigerian teaching hospital Endodontic flare-ups : comparison of incidence between single and multiple visits procedures in patients attending a Nigerian teaching hospital est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : A.O. OGINNI, C.I. UDOYE - Nigéria
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 108 - Décembre 2004 - 23-27


Endodontic flare-ups : comparison of incidence between single and multiple visits procedures in patients attending a Nigerian teaching hospital

The present study was performed to compare the incidence of endodontic flare-ups in single with multiple visits treatment procedures, to establish the relationship between pre-operative and post obturation pain in patients attending for endodontic therapy in a Nigerian teaching Hospital. Patients were randomly assigned to either single visit or multiple visits group. Data collected at root canal treatment appointment and recall visits (1st, 7th and 30th day post obturation) include pulp vitality status, the presence or absence of pre-operative pain, presence and degree of post obturation pain. Presence of endodontic flare-ups (defined as either patient’s report of pain not controlled with over the counter medication and or increasing swelling). The compiled data were analyzed using chi-square where applicable. P level < 0.05 was taken as significant.
Ten endodontic flare-ups (8.1%) were recorded in the multiple visits group compared to 19 (18,3%) flare-ups for the single visit group, P = 0.02. For both single and multiple visits procedures, there were statistically significant correlations between pre operative and post obturation pain (P = 0.002 and P = 0.0004 respectively). Teeth with vital pulps reported the lowest frequency of post obturation pain (48.8%), while those with non vital pulps were found to have the highest frequency oh post obturation pain (50,3%), P = 0.9. Although the present study reported higher incidences for post obturation pain and flare-ups following the single visit procedures, single visit endodontic therapy has been shown to be a safe and effective alternative to multiple visits treatment.

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Dental health service utilization by children seen at the University College Hospital : an update
O.O. DENLOYE, O.O. BANKOLE, C.O. ONYEASO - Nigéria - 29-32


Dental health service utilization by children seen at the University College Hospital : an update Dental health service utilization by children seen at the University College Hospital : an update est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : O.O. DENLOYE, O.O. BANKOLE, C.O. ONYEASO - Nigéria
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 108 - Décembre 2004 - 29-32


Dental health service utilization by children seen at the University College Hospital : an update

Asymptomatic hospital visits have been generally accepted as health behaviour that should be encouraged, although some factors have been identified as factors affecting compliance and attendance.
A three years prospective study of the pattern of dental clinic attendance of children seen at the University college Hospital Ibadan was carried out between January 2001-December 2003. A total of 875 children comprising of 421 (48.1%) males and 454 (51.89%) females formed subjects for the study. Results showed that the modal age of presentation was 6-10yers. 88.8% of the children had symptomatic visits while 11.2% had asymptomatic visits and dental caries and its sequel were the frequently diagnosed symptoms. 67.8% of the symptomatic cases required extraction of their badly broken down teeth due to their late presentations at the clinic. Over 80% of the children with asymptomatic visits required only oral prophylaxis.
In conclusion, an early age at presentation and asymptomatic visits are health behaviours that should be encouraged through regular dental health education to parents especially mothers.

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Permanent double teeth and hypodontia in a pair of monozygotic twins : case report
C.O. ONYEASO - Nigéria - 33-36


Permanent double teeth and hypodontia in a pair of monozygotic twins : case report Permanent double teeth and hypodontia in a pair of monozygotic twins : case report est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : C.O. ONYEASO - Nigéria
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 108 - Décembre 2004 - 33-36


Les dents doubles ou congénitalement absentes sont un fait fréquent tant dans la dentition primaire que dans la dentition permanente. La connaissance de ce trait dans la dentition permanente reste encore très pauvre en Afrique. Cette étude décrit les données cliniques chez des jumeaux monozygotes Nigérians. Ceci illustre le côté génétique de ce phénomène comme cela a été rapporté dans des zones développées du globe, mais jamais parmi la population négroïde et indigène Nigériane spécialement dans sa dentition permanente.

Permanent double teeth and hypodontia in a pair of monozygotic twins : case report

Double and congenitally missing teeth are known to be commoner in the primary dentition than the permanent. The knowledge of this trait in the permanent dentition in Africa is still poor. This paper describes the clinical findings in a pair of monozygotic Nigerian twins. This illustrates the claims of genetic basis of such conditions, which have been reported severally in developed parts of the globe but not much among the indigenous Nigerian Negroid population especially involving the permanent dentition.

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Expectations of treatment and satisfaction with facial appearance in Nigerian orthodontic patients
C.O ONYEASO, I.L. UTOMI - Nigéria - 37-41


Expectations of treatment and satisfaction with facial appearance in Nigerian orthodontic patients Expectations of treatment and satisfaction with facial appearance in Nigerian orthodontic patients est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : C.O ONYEASO, I.L. UTOMI - Nigéria
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 108 - Décembre 2004 - 37-41


Le but de cette étude était de rechercher la corrélation entre la satisfaction de l’apparence faciale et les attentes du traitement orthodontique. Deux cent un patients : 89 (44.3 %) hommes et 112 (55.7 %) femmes avec une moyenne d’âge de 13.60 ± 8.03 SD recevaient un traitement orthodontique dans un des deux centres hospitalier de référence, l’unité orthodontique du Centre Universitaire Hospitalier, Ibadan et le département de soins de santé dentaire de l’université de Lagos. Chaque patient complétait un questionnaire sur la satisfaction de leur apparence faciale et les attentes du traitement orthodontique. L’analyse à régression multiple était utilisée pour analyser les effets de la satisfaction faciale initiale, le sexe et l’âge, sur les attentes du traitement orthodontique. Il n’y avait pas de corrélation significative entre l’apparence faciale et les attentes des patients. La corrélation était invariable quel que soit le sexe mais l’âge était un facteur significatif des attentes du traitement orthodontique chez les patients de 16 ans et plus (r = 0.210, P < 0.05). Il était conclu que la satisfaction des patients par rapport à leur apparence faciale n’est pas un facteur significatif des attentes du traitement orthodontique des patients nigérians, cependant l’âge était un critère significatif en ce qui concerne les attentes du traitement orthodontique chez un échantillon d’enfants.

Expectations of treatment and satisfaction with facial appearance in Nigerian orthodontic patients

The aim of this study was to investigate correlation between satisfaction with facial appearance and expectations of orthodontic treatment. The effects of sex and age on these variables were also explored.
A sample of 201 patients who presented for orthodontic treatment at two referral centers in Nigeria: the Orthodontic Unit, University College Hospital, Ibadan and Department of Child Dental Health, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, completed a questionnaire on satisfaction with facial appearance and expectations of orthodontic treatment. They consisted of 89 (44.3%) males and 112 (55.7%) females with age range of 8 to 40 years (mean age, 13.60± 8.03 SD). Correlation between patients’ expectations, satisfaction with facial appearance, age and sex were examined. A multiple regression analysis was used to estimate the effect of the initial facial satisfaction on expectations of orthodontic treatment.
No significant correlation was found between satisfaction with facial appearance and patients’ expectations. The correlation was invariant over gender, but age was found a significant predictor of expectations of orthodontic treatment for patients up to 16 years of age (r =.210 ; p<0.05).
It was concluded that satisfaction with facial appearance is not a significant predictor of Nigerian orthodontic patients’ expectations of treatment. However, age was found a significant predictor of orthodontic patients’ expectations of treatment for the child orthodontic population sub-sample.

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