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Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale

Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale N° 86 - Juin 1999

Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale

N° 86 - Juin 1999

Editeur : APIDPM Santé tropicale
Langue(s) de publication : Français - Anglais
Edition papier : ISSN 0251-172X
Edition électronique : ISSN 2491-4428
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Sommaire du N° 86 - Juin 1999

Conséquences occluso-articulaires des consultations tardives
N’DINDIN G.B, LEVADOUX A.M, N’DINDIN A.C, BITTY M.J - Côte d'Ivoire - 13-17


Conséquences occluso-articulaires des consultations tardives Conséquences occluso-articulaires des consultations tardives est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : N’DINDIN G.B, LEVADOUX A.M, N’DINDIN A.C, BITTY M.J - Côte d'Ivoire
Publié en Français dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 86 - Juin 1999 - 13-17


Les édentations partielles trop tardivement ou mal compensées sont à l'origine de problèmes prothétiques difficiles à solutionner. Nous montrerons l'intérêt actuel des gouttières dans ces types de restauration lors de dysfonctions crâniomandibulaires. Différents cas cliniques sont présentés.

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Distribution of dental therapists and assistant dental officers trained under the Tanzania-Danida dental health programme 1981-1993
S. POULSEN, F. FUBUSA , P.M. GEMBA, P. A. LEMA, H.J. MOSHA, M.K. NTABAYE - Tanzanie - 19-22


Distribution of dental therapists and assistant dental officers trained under the Tanzania-Danida dental health programme 1981-1993 Distribution of dental therapists and assistant dental officers trained under the Tanzania-Danida dental health programme 1981-1993 est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : S. POULSEN, F. FUBUSA , P.M. GEMBA, P. A. LEMA, H.J. MOSHA, M.K. NTABAYE - Tanzanie
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 86 - Juin 1999 - 19-22


Distribution of dental therapists and assistant dental officers trained under the Tanzania-Danida dental health programme 1981-1993

The purpose of the present study was to describe the production of Dental Therapists and Assistant Dental Officers trained in Ministry of Health institutions in Tanzania during more that ten years of support from the Danish International Development Agency (Danida) through the Tanzania-Danida Dental Health Programme and to investigate their distribution and location. A total of 169 Dental Therapists and 38 Assistant Dental Officers have been trained from 1981 to 1993, representing more than 70% of the training capacity of the schools for training of oral health personnel under Ministry of Health. The distribution of both Dental Therapists and Assistant Dental Officers according to working station was, however very similar to that found before the Danida support began. Two out of every three Dental Therapists in government service were stationed in district clinics or non-government clinics at the district level. The same was true for one out of every three Assistant Dental Officers.
It is concluded, that the intentions laid down in Tanzania's National Plan for Oral Health 1988-2002 of first staffing the district hospitals and, later on, the health centres with Dental Therapists have not yet been fulfilled.

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Etude comparative des tables occlusales des 1ères et 2ème prémolaires mandibulaires en milieu ivoirien


Etude comparative des tables occlusales des 1ères et 2ème prémolaires mandibulaires en milieu ivoirien Etude comparative des tables occlusales des 1ères et 2ème prémolaires mandibulaires en milieu ivoirien est évalué 1 étoiles

Publié en Français dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 86 - Juin 1999 - 33-37


Les premières prémolaires mandibulaires sont décrites dans la littérature comme des dents présentant des cuspides disproportionnées, la cuspide vestibulaire étant plus massive et plus haute que la cuspide linguale. Cette étude confronte cette description aux réalités cliniques observées en Côte d'Ivoire, tout en comparant les premières prémolaires mandibulaires aux deuxièmes. Elle révèle :

  • une faible différence de volume entre les premières et les deuxièmes prémolaires mandibulaires ;
  • une disproportion moins importante entre cuspides vestibulaire et linguale des 1ères prémolaires mandibulaires lesquelles ont une morphologie tendant à 3e rapprocher de la 2ème prémolaire.

Comparative study of occlusal morphologic characteristic of the first au second mandibular premolars among Ivorians

The first mandibular premolars are usually described as teeth with disproportionate cusp. The vestibular's is bulkier and higher than the lingual one. This study confronts this description with the clinical realities observed in Ivory Coast by comparing first mandibular premolars with the seconds. It points out:

  • a slight difference of volume between the first and second mandibular premolars;
  • a less important disproportion between the lingual and vestibular cusp of the first mandibular premolar which morphology tends towards the second's.

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Hepatitis B awareness and attitudes amongst dental health care workers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
T. Paul, A. Maktabi, K. Almas, S. Saeed - Arabie saoudite - 9-12


Hepatitis B awareness and attitudes amongst dental health care workers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Hepatitis B awareness and attitudes amongst dental health care workers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : T. Paul, A. Maktabi, K. Almas, S. Saeed - Arabie saoudite
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 86 - Juin 1999 - 9-12


Hepatitis B awareness and attitudes amongst dental health care workers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

This study was done to investigate the current awareness and uptake of the hepatitis-B vaccination, as well as any changes in patterns over the years. A questionnaire was distributed among all dental staff, including dental specialists, general dentists, hygienists and dental surgery assistants at the dental department of the Military Hospital, Riyadh. Out of 126 DHCW, 112 (88.2%) responded. Ninety-six (85.7%) completed full course of vaccination, 4 (3.6%) did not intend to, be vaccinated and 10 (8.9%) were naturally immune. Of the 96 vaccinate, 42 (43.8%) did not confirm the vaccine efficacy by serological tests. And 54 vaccinate who had post-vaccination serology test, 26 (48.2%) did not check the results of the test. It is concluded from the study that in spite of greater acceptability of the HB vaccine by the DHCW, still a large proportion of them need further advise on the importance of post-vaccination serological tests.

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Perforation juguale d'origine dentaire et influence de l'anti-inflammatoire pris en automédication - A propos d'une observation
P. Kouame, K. Souaga, D. Amantchi - Côte d'Ivoire - 23-26


Perforation juguale d'origine dentaire et influence de l'anti-inflammatoire pris en automédication - A propos d'une observation Perforation juguale d'origine dentaire et influence de l'anti-inflammatoire pris en automédication - A propos d'une observation est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : P. Kouame, K. Souaga, D. Amantchi - Côte d'Ivoire
Publié en Français dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 86 - Juin 1999 - 23-26


Les complications des affections carieuses, non traitées ou mal traitées, sont fréquentes en Afrique (cellulite, ostéite, ...). Les patients résistent à la douleur par l'automédication et les pratiques traditionnelles et consultent tardivement l'odontologiste à l'occasion de complications cutanées (fistules, perforations) rebelles aux thérapeutiques traditionnelles.
Nous exposons dans ce travail le cas d'un jeune étudiant ivoirien de 22 ans que nous avons reçu à notre consultation après un an d'errance thérapeutique et une perforation juguale droite.

Jaw perforation of dental origin and effect of anti-inflammatory agents during automedication case presentation of one case

Complications of dental caries not treated and mal-treated are frequent in Africa (cellulitis, osteitis, etc...). Patients consult late due to effective automedication with anti-inflammatory agents but the continuing pathological process leading to fistulae, perforation and persistent pain are finally the reasons of consultation.
We present a case of a young Ivorian student of 22 years we have received after one year of erratic treatment with a right jaw perforation.

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Periodontal status and treatment needs of 12-15 year old institutionalized mentally handicapped school children in Ibadan, Nigeria
O.O. DENLOYE - Niger - 38-40


Periodontal status and treatment needs of 12-15 year old institutionalized mentally handicapped school children in Ibadan, Nigeria Periodontal status and treatment needs of 12-15 year old institutionalized mentally handicapped school children in Ibadan, Nigeria est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : O.O. DENLOYE - Niger
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 86 - Juin 1999 - 38-40


Periodontal status and treatment needs of 12-15 year old institutionalized mentally handicapped school children in Ibadan, Nigeria

Mentally handicapped children are known, to have poor periodontal health. But previous studies lack conformity due to the use of different indices by the different authors. Twenty-five institutionalized mentally handicapped school children in Ibadan, Nigeria were studied with the aim of assessing their periodontal health and per treatment needs using the CPITN which is known to be simple and has international uniformity.
The result showed that none of the children had healthy periodontium and all the children will need oral hygiene care with a significant percentage (8%) requiring complex periodontal care.
The need for comprehensive preventive dental program is discussed since the hallmark of management of the children is prevention.

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Photopléthysmographie : aide au diagnostic en odontologie conservatrice - endodontie
Th. BRISSET - France - 5-8


Photopléthysmographie : aide au diagnostic en odontologie conservatrice - endodontie Photopléthysmographie : aide au diagnostic en odontologie conservatrice - endodontie est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : Th. BRISSET - France
Publié en Français dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 86 - Juin 1999 - 5-8


La photopléthysmographie permet de capter, grâce à un système optoélectronique, le pouls de la pulpe dentaire. Elle s'inscrit dans le cadre de méthodes non destructrices d'appréciation de l'intégrité anatomo-physiologique de l'organe pulpo-dentinaire et constitue par conséquent une aide appréciable au diagnostic.


The photoplethysmography allows to pick up the pulse of dental pulp, using an optical electronic device. It is a nondestructive method to appreciate the good health of dental pulp, and it constitutes consequently an interesting assistance to diagnosis.

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Effect of education upon dentists' knowledge and attitude toward fissure sealants
Najat M.A. Farsi - Arabie saoudite - 27-32


Effect of education upon dentists' knowledge and attitude toward fissure sealants Effect of education upon dentists' knowledge and attitude toward fissure sealants est évalué 1 étoiles

Auteurs : Najat M.A. Farsi - Arabie saoudite
Publié en Anglais dans Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale 86 - Juin 1999 - 27-32


Effect of education upon dentists' knowledge and attitude toward fissure sealants

Sealants are highly effective in preventing dental caries in the pits and fissures of teeth. It has been shown, however, that sealants are not widely used by dentists. This study aimed to educate dental professionals about sealants and to evaluate the effect of such education on dentists' knowledge, attitude and use of sealants. A total of 312 dentists were surveyed to determine their knowledge and attitude toward sealants. Respondents were randomly allocated to "Education" group, who received education materials; and "No Education" group, who received no material (until after the education phase). After 12 months, 105 dentists responded to the post-intervention survey. Comparison between the two surveys shows that dentists' knowledge increased significantly in the "Education" group. No difference was detected in dentists' knowledge in the "No Education" group. Dentists' attitude and sealant use did not significantly improve in any of the groups.
It is therefore, concluded that continuing education were more likely to change dentists' knowledge than attitude and behaviour. Effort to encourage sealant use by dentists should continue, but with the recognition that changes in behaviour occur over a long time and that other external factors in the professional environment may affect the rate of change.

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