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A.R.E. Yapo, T.B. Ettien, K.F.J.R. Behibro, N.D. N’guessan, M.F. Seguy, K.K.D. Menzan, E. Konan - Ivory Coast
Published in French in Tropical Dental Journal N° 186 - Volume 47 - Juin 2024 - 15-23
Article Open access
Introduction: Osteitis of the jaws are bone inflammations, most often infectious. They are still relevant in developing countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of maxillary osteitis.
Patients and methods: A retrospective study was conducted over a period of 5 years (January 2018 to December 2022). It included 55 patients with osteitis of the jaws treated in the maxillofacial surgery department of the Treichville University Hospital.
Results: The average age was 29.18 years with a female predominance (54.55%). Etiologies were dominated by dental caries (76.36%). The average consultation time was 03 months with the main reason for consultation gene swelling (67.27%). Mandibular osteitis was ...
Revascularization versus MTA apexification for the treatment of necrotic permanent immature teeth
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Non-surgical retreatment of a first maxillary molar with pulpal floor perforation and a separated instrument: a case report
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Does a bioceramic-based sealer enhance the treatment outcome of periapical periodontitis? A systematic review
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Perceptions and clinical experience of Nigerian orthodontic practitioners in the use of Clear Aligner Therapy
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This WHO oral health briefing note series focuses on prevention and treatment of dental caries (tooth decay) with mercury-free products and minimal interventions.
Dental caries is a major public health problem globally as the disease affects all age groups, with an onset in early childhood and continued increase over the life course. Read the report
7/21/2023 - Les dépêches de Brazzaville - Congo
Les dentistes congolais continuent de recourir au mercure pour boucher les dents affectées par la carie, en dépit de la toxicité du métal liquide. En vue de réduire ce problème de santé publique, les soignants des établissements sanitaires de Brazzaville ont été édifiés, le 20 juillet, sur les risques, notamment chez les enfants de 15 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes.
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Santé bucco-dentaire : ce qu’il faut savoir de cette pathologie (Entretien Dr Abdoul Karim Kéita) - Read article
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OMS - (March 15th, 2022)
. Oral diseases, while largely preventable, pose a major health burden for many countries and affect people throughout their lifetime, causing pain, discomfort, disfigurement and even death.
. It is estimated that oral diseases affect nearly 3.5 billion people.
. Untreated dental caries (tooth decay) in permanent teeth is the most common health condition according to the Global Burden of Disease 2019.
. Treatment for oral health conditions is expensive and usually not part of universal health coverage (UHC).
. Most low- and middle-income countries are unable to provide services to prevent and treat oral health conditions..
. Oral diseases are caused by a range of modifiable risk factors, including sugar consumption, tobacco use, alcohol use and poor hygiene, and their underlying social and commercial determinants.
Delivering Optimal Oral Health for All
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“COVID tongue”—dentists urged to remain alert to symptoms in the oral cavity
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Root canal procedures do not cause cancer: This is why
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10ème édition du SISDAK du 15 au 19 avril 2025
du 15 au 19 avril 2025 - Dakar - Sénégal - More
Un film du Centre National de Ressources de lutte contre la Douleur (CNRD) constituant un support de formation particulièrement pour les professionnels et les étudiants en soins infirmiers. Dans cette vidéo, Chantal Kahn, cadre de santé au service de Pédiatrie du CH Poissy-St Germain en Laye, détaille l'utilisation de la pompe PCA Morphine Gemstar.
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