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Tropical Dental Journal - 1st Pan African international dental journal

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Tropical Dental Journal - N° 185 - March 2024

N° 185

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Tunisiaphoto_auteurUnderstanding endo-periodontal lesions for a better treatment: case report

A. Kikly, S. Jaâfoura, A. Bouslama, E. Garouachi, N. Douki - Tunisia
Published in English in Tropical Dental Journal N° 185 - Volume 47 - Mars 2024 - 13-20   Article Open access  


Endo-periodontal lesions involve two distinct biological entities, the endodontic space and the periodontal tissues, which are intimately linked, defining a veritable "endo-periodontal continuum".
Numerous communication routes allow infectious and/or inflammatory processes to spread from one compartment to the other. In addition to the obvious anatomical pathways, there are others that can be described as pathological or iatrogenic. These lesions represent a challenge for the practitioner in terms of diagnosis and prognosis. Indeed, the prognosis of endo-periodontal lesions is inferior to that of any individual pathology. Endodontic infection control is essential and easy to achieve: it is to ensure the hermeticity of the root canal system. The periodontal aspect, on the other hand, is the most complex to control, since it involves ...

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NigerOdontogenic myxoma: A report of three cases and review of the literature   Article Open access  
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SenegalDemographic, clinical, and histopathological aspects of benign maxillomandibular cysts and tumors: about 64 cases collected at the Odontostomatology department of the Idrissa Pouye General Hospital in Dakar   Article Open access  
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Ivory CoastEpidemiological and diagnostic profile of facial fractures in the stomatology and maxillofacial surgery department of the Treichville University Hospital, Abidjan, Ivory Coast   Article Open access  
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Ivory CoastConcept of evidence-based dentistry applied to direct composite resins restorations: a scoping review from routine practices of surgeon-dentists   Article Open access  
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> Full content of N° 185


couv_rapportPrevention and treatment of dental caries with mercury-free products and minimal intervention

This WHO oral health briefing note series focuses on prevention and treatment of dental caries (tooth decay) with mercury-free products and minimal interventions.

Dental caries is a major public health problem globally as the disease affects all age groups, with an onset in early childhood and continued increase over the life course. Read the report


African press

Plombage dentaire - Des soignants sensibilisés aux effets nocifs du mercure

7/21/2023 - Les dépêches de Brazzaville - Congo

Les dentistes congolais continuent de recourir au mercure pour boucher les dents affectées par la carie, en dépit de la toxicité du métal liquide. En vue de réduire ce problème de santé publique, les soignants des établissements sanitaires de Brazzaville ont été édifiés, le 20 juillet, sur les risques, notamment chez les enfants de 15 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes.

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Dr. Traore Abdoul Aziz, Chirurgien-Dentiste : « Une infection dentaire peut conduire à la mort » - Read article

Santé bucco-dentaire : ce qu’il faut savoir de cette pathologie (Entretien Dr Abdoul Karim Kéita) - Read article

Santé bucco-dentaire : Dr Virapin à Abidjan pour offrir des consultations dentaires gratuites - Read article

> More press news

Scientific articles

Oral health

OMS - (March 15th, 2022)

. Oral diseases, while largely preventable, pose a major health burden for many countries and affect people throughout their lifetime, causing pain, discomfort, disfigurement and even death.
. It is estimated that oral diseases affect nearly 3.5 billion people.
. Untreated dental caries (tooth decay) in permanent teeth is the most common health condition according to the Global Burden of Disease 2019.
. Treatment for oral health conditions is expensive and usually not part of universal health coverage (UHC).
. Most low- and middle-income countries are unable to provide services to prevent and treat oral health conditions..
. Oral diseases are caused by a range of modifiable risk factors, including sugar consumption, tobacco use, alcohol use and poor hygiene, and their underlying social and commercial determinants.

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Delivering Optimal Oral Health for All
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“COVID tongue”—dentists urged to remain alert to symptoms in the oral cavity
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Root canal procedures do not cause cancer: This is why
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SuisseDelivering Optimal  Oral Health for AllDelivering Optimal Oral Health for All

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SuissePrevention and treatment of dental caries with mercury-free products and minimal interventionPrevention and treatment of dental caries with mercury-free products and minimal intervention

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Le traitement en monothérapie de la PR : quand l'utiliser ?

A l'occasion du 26ème congrès la Société Française de Rhumatologie (SFR 2013) qui s'est tenu à Paris du 1er au 3 décembre 2013, le Professeur Elyes Bouagina, Chef de service de rhumatologie au CHU Farhat Hached de Sousse, participe à la 17ème émission de En direct des Congrès et répond à la question : Le traitement en monothérapie de la PR : quand l'utiliser ?

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